接线员 Operator 2千-3千


1.Ensure the correct operation of the switchboard for fast and efficient transferring of internal and external calls.  快速高效的转接所有来电。  
2.Greets customers immediately with a friendly and sincere welcome. Responds to inquiries with accurate information regarding hours of outlet operation, directions to local attractions, or meeting rooms, etc. according to individual needs.  诚挚友好的问候客人。快速精准的回答和应对客人提出的问题及要求,其中包括各消费场所的营运时间方位等。  
3.Ensure the Careline Supervisor or  Manager is kept fully aware of any relevant feedback from either customers or other department.  将客人和其他部门的意见和建议及时反馈给关爱热线主管或经理。  
4.Check all the equipment in Careline Centre all the time to ensure smooth operation: paging system, fax machine, voice mail system, FCS system, etc. Keep the Careline centre clean and tidy to ensure that all the staff may work in a comfortable environment.  时刻关注关爱热线各项设施设备的运转是否正常,如传呼系统,语音留言,FCS 系统等。保证关爱热线的清洁干净,为员工提供一个相对舒适的工作环境。  
5.Reviews VIP arrival and ensures proper handling of VIPs and groups.  关注VIP预抵及团队客人.  
6.Takes an active role in the team by being kind, cooperative, helpful and never forgetting the person behind the guest.  积极的工作,友好的为客人提供服务。  
7.Actively takes part in training where and when required, attending formal training sessions and on the job training to ensure standards and develop skills and abilities.   积极地参加职业培训,保证工作能力  8.Contributes to the hotel and team by sharing new ideas and suggestions for improvements, being innovative and creative to provide quality service and customer care to team members and guests.  致力于酒店工作,为酒店发展提供建议,有创新精神,为顾客提供品质服务。